If current trends continue, one of every three black American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino males compared to one of every seventeen white males. (www.gatewaysecondchance.org)
This is not the definition of a just society!
Many Americans are beginning to understand how unjust our society is – and two of them, Donna and Clarence Carter, are doing something about it.

Gateway Second Chance is a powerful declaration and commitment to young people, particularly young men, to provide a second chance through education, skills training, mentoring and supportive services that insure that these young men can turn their lives around and become not only “productive” but fulfilled members of their community.
Those attending were inspired by the youth and adults who shared their life experiences, and what is possible with the caring commitment of others -- literally breathed new life into those who were present. These individuals modeled what is created in a human being's life when they receive our attention and support.
Gateway Second Chance is determined to provide the needed services so that the vicious cycle of the “school to prison pipeline” STOPS!
Clarence and Donna Carter, along with Anne Adams who co-wrote this blog, are all members of the Conscious Elders Network – a movement of vital elders, dedicated to growing in consciousness while actively addressing the demanding challenges facing our country. They understand that our youth are our lifeline to the future; and, that connecting with them creates strong bonds that reverberates across all boundaries and through the generations.
Gateway Second Chance invites folks to visit their website, and explore how they might get involved in their program – or perhaps another program in their own community to serve at risk youth – and reverse the injustice of incarcerating our youth rather than providing them an education.
Dr. Donna Carter has held numerous administrative positions in public education and in private School of Ministry. Her doctoral dissertation was on the positive effects on high school students of experienced-based career education; and having traveled the world she knows the value of wide cultural exposure. Dr. Carter was honored to serve as President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, one of the largest international, professional education organizations.
Clarence R. Carter is a recently retired educator and entrepreneur, with more than 45 years experience; beginning his career working with at risk youth as a social worker, and then earning a Masters Degree in Educational Administration; and finally receiving an MBA from Harvard which led him to a successful career in business. This combination of skills and knowledge provides the foundation for his work with Gateway Second Chance.
Visit the Gateway Second Chance website
Learn more about the “school to prison pipeline”
Get involved in a program in your own community to help at risk youth
Learn more about the Conscious Elders Network (CEN)
Consider joining the CEN Elder-Activists Social Justice Team - to become engaged in social justice issues both locally and nationally.