This was not a professional conference or summit that reflected the intellectual arguments regarding climate issues. It was individuals coming together to share their concerns, passions and spirits. We brought our disparate energy and voices to stand together and march as a unified force.
It provided us -- the people – with the powerful, positive energy to go forth and continue our work; knowing that there are hundreds of thousands, actually millions of others, who will stand with us in solidarity for a common cause, demanding that our leaders do their jobs.
People around the world participating in the March.
2,646 events in 162 countries. “Awesome!” as they say.
It was a fantastic networking event!
We met allies and folks who want to work together in the future; sharing our vision of a thriving and just future.
Elder-Activists.org marched under the “WE, THE ELDERS” banner along with Gray Is Green and the Conscious Elders Network. We marched next to Women Elders and along with The Grannies. Saturday afternoon we had out Meet-Up and met with others, sharing our work and stories.
Together we demand that our leaders put aside their particular interests and recognize that we share one planet, one global ecosystem.
Together we demand wisdom from our leaders to put forth the policies and the subsequent actions on behalf of future generations, using the vast intellectual and technical capabilities that are available.
As a people we have stood and taken an initial step together.
Now, our leaders must join our efforts and help us to bring forth a just and sustainable future for all.
What Can You Do?
1. Get Inspired at: www.peoplesclimate.org/wrap-up
2. Learn more at: www.350.org
3. Talk to your friends, 3 new people about what you think about the climate, the environment, the future.
4. Share your comments & thoughts with me.