Two days in Washington DC, attended by over 135 elders and grandparents – answering the call to stand together behind our common commitment to restoring a liveable climate for future generations.
Gazing into people’s faces you could see their absolute delight at being with others who were also willing to raise their voices and speak the truth -- now is time for our leaders and for our country to enact legislation to effectively address climate disruption.
Most amazing were our powerful energy when we raised our voices at Union Station with our FLASH MOB singing DO IT NOW! – the song that became the theme song for our gathering.
We got to wake up, We got to wise up
We got to open our eyes and DO IT NOW, Now, Now
We gotta build a better future, and we need to DO IT NOW!
We’re on a planet, That has a problem.
We gotta solve, get involved and DO IT NOW, Now, Now
We gotta build a better future, and we need to DO IT NOW!
But our time together was not all singing and dancing, smiles and exhuberation.
We heard first from Dr. James Hansen, the noted climatologist, who provided a clear and compelling statement about where we are in terms of climate disruption. It was a sobering message – but certainly one that we need to hear and respond to if we want to be informed, responsive citizens – and elders of our tribe!
The Baby Boomer Opportunity
Lynne Twist, a global visionary and author of The Soul of Money, urged us to become pro-activists – standing for the values that are most important to us – the beautiful world that we love, that has nurtured us and that we want to insure remains available to future generations. Like I, she recognizes that our “age wave” – the enormous number of folks who turn 65 each day is an asset! We are concerned about the future, and our numbers are growing. What an opportunity!
We were trained in lobbying and the Carbon Fee and Dividend proposal that I being put forth by Citizens Climate Lobby. Then we formed teams to go and lobby our congressional leaders on Thursday.
The reports back from our lobby visits were shared in our Thursday closing session and dinner; where we were also privileged to hear Senator Sheldon Whitehouse speak to our attendees. He offered an inside view of the challenges and opportunities that he sees with his Congressional colleagues.
Perhaps we will gather again next year.
Perhaps we might have an Elders Climate Action group forming in your community.
Perhaps there is something from our experience that might inspire you.
I hope so. We inspired each other in Washington – and I hope that good inspiration spreads wider and wider. It certainly is good for my spirit!
- Have Fun! View Our Flash Mobs. In Union Station and/or in Longworth House Office Building Cafeteria.
- Read: Storms of my Grandchildren by Dr. James Hansen —the nation’s leading scientist on climate issues—who speaks out with the full truth about global warming.
- Learn more about our vision and plans at Elders Climate Action.
- Learn about Carbon Fee and Dividend at Citizens Climate Lobby
- Have MORE FUN! View Sing for the Climate - Belgium. Watch out you’ll start singing!