Chris writes:
Although I have always had strong political opinions, I have used the ballot box to take a stand rather than to be actively involved in demonstrations. I have only been involved in a handful of demonstrations – I pushed my daughter in her stroller in a march to protest the Viet Nam war, walked as “Another Mother for Peace,” attended a pro-choice rally in Washington, DC and stood vigil to protest US involvement in the Iraq War. However, I never was involved to the point where I risked arrest.
Recently, as part of a Positive Aging lunch conversation, I learned about the movement, Democracy Spring – “a mass civil disobedience campaign to save American democracy from the corruption of Big Money in politics and the assault upon our right to vote.” A peaceful march is being planned from Philadelphia to Washington DC from April 2nd to 10th.
Part of this movement is an Elder Cohort – where elders are invited to stand as a group on Thursday, April 14th, supporting each other and some risking arrest. I immediately responded that I would be willing to risk arrest as did several other members of the group.
As an elder (defined as a person that uses wisdom and life experience to guide their actions, speaks for the shared interests of all people, as well as for future generations), I care about my grandchildren's future. If I can participate with other elders to capture media attention for pro-democracy reforms, I feel now is the time to do so.
What do I have to lose?
Christina Robertson, Ph.D. -- has a background in career planning, organizational consulting, and training. To earn a Ph.D. at age 61, she researched how creativity adds meaning and purpose to our lives as we age. Chris and her husband John, have six children and twelve grandchildren between them (they are quick to point out this is not “overpopulating,” it is simply “replacement value”). As an elder, Chris is interested in creative solutions for world crises that threaten future generations.
- Find out more at www.DemocracySpring
- Sign-Up to “Stand Together” or to “Risk Arrest”
- email [email protected];
- and, on our Facebook page
- Come support those risking arrest on Thursday, April 14th. We will be so appreciative of those who cheer us on!
- GRASSROOTSmeans WE are making it happen. Share this story with your friends, networks, etc.