“Over six days, beginning July 31, the caravan will journey more than 2,000 miles, onboarding other “grannies” along the way. They will host rallies in strategic political districts in cities along the way to protest the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy for immigrants and asylum seekers.
Beginning with a rally in New York City, Grannies Respond will make stops in Reading and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Louisville, Kentucky; Montgomery, Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Houston, Texas; before finally reaching a detainment facility in either McAllen or Brownsville, Texas.” So read the story in YES! Magazine.
I decided to join them. I hate bus rides. I sit up front so that I won’t get nauseous. My back hurts after driving in the car for a couple of hours. The bathrooms smells. So, why am I doing this?
This year I have challenged myself to “live as though the truth was really true”
I am appalled at what our government is doing -- using innocent children for political gain, and destroying families who are fleeing dangerous conditions in their home communities.
I am thrilled that this journey is happening. I want to stand with the other Grannies, and speak what I believe to be true -- to love the stranger, to care for those whose lives are threatened, to be compassionate, to welcome the “tired, the poor the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
I want to again believe in the principles of our nation – even as I understand that our history has never fully lived those values. I feel so ashamed of our president and our government, and the lack of integrity of our elected leaders. I don’t want to give up or move away.
I want to reclaim my country and our values. Sometimes I lack the personal know how, courage or energy to figure out how to fix the issues and injustices that I see -- and I am grateful that there are others also doing this work, finding their voice, acting together.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Mead)
Join the Caravan, and/or offer your support.
Check out the Facebook page
Show up for their rallies:
Tuesday, July 31st, New York City
Tuesday, July 31st, Berks Detention Center, Reading, PA
Wednesday, Aug 1st, Pittsburgh
Thursday, Aug 2nd, Louisville, KY
Friday, Aug 3rd, Montgomery, AL
Saturday, Aug. 4th, New Orleans, LA
Sunday, Aug 5th, Houston, TX
Monday, Aug 6th, McAllen TX