I spent 5 of the past 8 days in Washington, as part of the Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening campaigns, marching, chanting, talking, singing and getting arrested twice. The energy, power and spirit of the thousands of people was palpable; demanding Congressional reforms to get Big Money out of the political process and restore voting rights. Money OUT -- Voters IN.
ELDERS STANDING FOR DEMOCRACY SPRING was exhilarating. As Elders we took a stand to say that we care. We care about our country, our children -- our future. And as elders we know that the "our" is not an individual but a collective "our,” recognizing the interconnected web of all life.
I was inspired by the words of Sandra Steingraber who said, "I love my children more than those corporate types love their money."
And, by Jim Hightower who invited us to “stop wringing our hands and join hands!” And, “those who say it can’t be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
...to all who showed up.
...to the kind younger folks who marched with us, carrying folding chairs for the elders to "sit-in."
...to the Capitol Police who offered us their hand as we were arrested and needed to get up from the ground; and then brought the same folding chairs to our “holding area” while we waited to be processed.
What an opportunity we have!
Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 today, and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years! We are a force to be reckoned with.
We can use the strength of our numbers, and our natural caring and concern, to create a better future for all. We have enormous resources, wisdom, and that strong inner voice that asks, "What will your legacy be?"
What’s next? What do we do with this exquisite energy that we created together?
Is it time for an ELDER ACTIVISTS MOVEMENT? Is this the moment for us to come together to stand as elders – to speak truth to power, to serve as wisdomkeepers, to speak for future generations? I am not sure how much “wisdom” I have – but if not know, then when?
I’ll be exploring this vision in the next few months -- and, I invite you to be a part of this visioning. Imagine for yourself what it is like to come together, to work together, to dream together. Not a movement that is separate from younger folks but with them; supporting each other and sharing our ideas, visions and passions – as we co-create the future.
My dear teacher Joanna Macy teaches about Active Hope – identifying the outcomes that we hope for and then playing an active role in bringing them about. We don’t wait until we are sure of success. We don’t limit our choices to the outcomes that seem likely. Instead we focus on what we truly, deeply long for, and then we proceed to take determined steps in that direction. (Active Hope, Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone)
Deep in your heart, what is it that you truly, deeply long for?
Lets share our dreams. Lets march together, sing and raise our voices.
All this is necessary – so that we too may be called “Ancestor” by future generations.