an understanding that today’s youth and future generations have at least the same opportunities and resources to meet their own needs as the generation governing today.
We create intergenerational justice when as individuals we:
- create legacies for future generations
- mentor younger folks
- act as wisdomkeepers
- preserve the beauty and the richness of our precious Mother Earth
- build a caring and beloved community for all beings.
As citizens of the richest and most powerful country we also have the opportunities to act collectively, working together to impact our government especially as it affects the environment. We have a unique responsibility -- to ourselves as well as future generations -- to protect and preserve the bounty that sustains all life.
Jim Hansen, one our nation’s leading climate scientists and head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, recently spoke about this concept of Intergenerational Justice. He said:
It is my job, as a father and grandfather concerned about young people, future generations, and the other species that share our planet, to point out that the path the world is on, if we stay on it, guarantees that we will push the climate system beyond tipping points. This is a moral issue, a matter of intergenerational injustice.
Because of the inertia and slow response of the climate system, our generation burns most of the fossil fuels and reaps the benefits while future generations bear the costs. We, the older generations and our governments, cannot pretend that we do not understand this situation — we must accept responsibility.”
We have been fortunate, and have benefited by what has been given to us.
Now it is our time to plant trees for the future; and to participate in intentional acts of intergenerational justice.
- Courageously speak and act as a responsible citizen -- an elder who cares for future generations. Learn more at SAGE-ING International
- Learn more: read the pages of
- Learn about other organizations:
- Initiate a conversation with someone younger about their visions for their future
- Connect with others through the Conscious Elders Network