We actualized “Elder-Activists” – with older folks coming together as both ELDERS and as ACTIVISTS!
We raised up the values that we hold:
- Caring for future generations
- Standing in the public square
- Protecting "our investment" -- the future of the children that we raised
- Given voice to our wisdom and years of life experience
- Being seen as elders – rather than just someone growing older
- Creating a legacy that we can be proud of.
We are continuing to meet – discerning what our next steps might be; and how we can best work together. Why? Because as Sally said, "I want to reiterate how important it is to be included... and, there is so much to learn from the wisdom of the other elders."
Our next meeting – of ELDERS STANDING FOR DEMOCRACY SPRING (ESDS) – will be Thursday, May 12th, 12 noon, E.T. Call in number: 641.715.3298, 220031#. Anybody is welcome to join us.
At our last organizing meeting several folks were interested in Elders Climate Action, a national organization, dedicated to mobilizing elders to create the political will to address climate change. It is beginning to form local chapters. If you’d like to explore getting engaged, contact Grady (see below).
Other ideas included:
Democracy Salons
Joining Move to Amend
I am inspired to propose a MOVEMENT OF ELDERS ACTIVISTS – building on the incredible enthusiasm and energy that we shared in Washington -- creating a network of organizations that promote activism for elders, providing opportunities for folks to get engaged, locally and nationally.
Finally – we made a difference!
Some of our legislators were paying attention -- though the corporate media never noticed us. Last week the Huffington Post reported, Lawmakers Respond To Democracy Spring Protests With Call For Democracy Hearings.
Once again I feel my own hopefulness. We recognized our frustration with the system and came together with a vision, acting peacefully, with strength, spirit and collaboration -- and made progress towards our goal of a thriving & just world for all.
Join us for our next organizing meeting on May 12th.
Learn more about:
- Elders Climate Action -- by contacting Grady at [email protected]
- Move to Amend -- a coalition committed to social and economic justice.
- The Conscious Elders Network -- the parent organization of ECA that fosters a budding movement of vital elders.