What an amazing idea! To celebrate 70 years of life experience by creating a March that gave form to one's values, interests and connection with loved ones! What if we all acted on our love, concerns and values rather than feeling defeated by the state of our world?
FYI - the March was a 7-day intergenerational march from Camp David to the White House to call upon President Obama to take climate action for the sake of grandchildren, grandparents, and every age in between; and, to begin by immediately rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline. The Walk was one of a series of actions around the country during the month of July to address fossil fuel extraction, seen as the root cause of climate change. On July 27th, it ended in Lafayette Park, across from the White House, saying to President Obama: Keep Your Promises! (www.WalkForOurGrandchildren.org)
We arrived early that Saturday morning to join a throng of hundreds of gray haired folks carrying signs, windmills, pictures of their grandchildren on their chests; along with the usual assortment of banners, earth balls, etc. There was a large contingent of young folks as well -- and the sense of solidarity and comraderie was palpable.
I enthusiastically shared my newly minted Elder-Activists business cards, pointing folks to the website, along with an invitation to share their ideas of why becoming an activist was important to them at this time of their life.
I was so excited to be opening this new portal for education and activism. I really don't know where it might go. But I have learned in life that you never really know what might be the outcome of your actions.
So here it is. The debut of Elder-Activist.org -- along with great pictures from the 2013 March for Our Grandchildren.