I heard the term “on our watch.” There was a growing realization that I could not continue to do nothing. But, I felt very overwhelmed. It was difficult to choose where to put my attention and energy. What good could I do?. Could the world really “be saved?” My choice was to become better educated.
I was introduced to The Pachamama Alliance and discovered the interrelationship between social justice, environmental sustainability and a sense of fulfillment. I learned that the real difficulties that face might be the result of mistaken assumption. And, that there was many, many people and organizations that were working for a sustainable future.
At demonstrations I looked around and discovered that I was surrounded by my peers! Others who were also in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and more. We were making our voices heard, arising out of concern for our children; and surrounded by young adults in their 20's.
My thinking shifted. I realized that the coming Age Wave was not something to be feared but was an opportunity! The Age Wave refers to the rapid growth of the “elder” population – those who are 65 plus years of age. Between 2011 and 2030 elders will expand from 13% of our population to 22%.
My fear and despair about the state of the world changed. My anger at our leaders, who seem to be so very shortsighted became a strong motivating force to work for what I knew what important.
I am now 63 years of age. My children are mostly out of the house. I feel my strength, my convictions and my wisdom -- for which I am so grateful. I hope that by working together we can make a difference and bring forth a thriving and just world.
As Joanna Macy says: We are so lucky to be alive at such a pivotal time in the evolution of the world.
Thank you!
For reading these words,
for being courageous,
for facing your own fears about our world, and,
for being willing to take on this challenge of creating a
healthier and more sustainable presence on our planet – our Mother Earth.