The question of “What gives our life meaning?” grows increasingly important as we move into the second half of our lives. This is when we begin to think about the enduring legacy we would like to leave future generations.
Surprisingly eco-philosophers believe that this is a most exciting time to be alive. They call this the time of the Great Turning -- as the old systems and institutions are breaking down. New possibilities are emerging as we build life-sustaining structures, challenge what is not working, and understand that we are all truly inter-related. And – we have the added benefit of being a part of the “baby-boomer age wave” containing an unprecedented number of concerned elders with the experience, wisdom, and resources to create future possibilities.
Join us for this interactive workshop as we affirm our life experience, recognize our love for this world and leave with a strong sense of how we can each contribute to a thriving and just world for the future.
Lynne Iser, MPH, is the founder of Elder-Activists.org. She teaches conscious aging and community building, and was previously the Executive Director of the Spiritual Eldering Institute.
Rabbi Mordechai Liebling is the founder and director of the Social Justice Organizing Program at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College of which he is a graduate. Prior to this he was the Executive Vice-President of Jewish Funds for Justice. He has led workshops and retreats on the intersection of sustainability, social justice and spirituality.
Hosted by: Society Hill Synagogue, 418 Spruce Street
Parking placards available at door for on-street parking.
Donations kindly accepted: $10 - $25
Coffee, tea and light snacks will be available
Registration: Please pre-register for our planning purposes!
E-mail Lynne at [email protected] or call 215.913.8362